Megan learned to dive in 1999, while completing a B.Sc. in Marine Biology. In 2003, following an internship researching manatees, she became an assistant instructor in Utila, Honduras. This led to a job as a divemaster on a live-aboard in Alaska. A position as a scientific research diver at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, in British Columbia, convinced her to pursue graduate studies. She completed her Ph.D. in Oceanography at Dalhousie University, in Nova Scotia, where she used scuba to study invasive species in kelp beds. Megan is now working at Marine Spatial Ecology Lab & Global Change Institute, University of Queensland, St. Lucia Brisbane, Australia. Her research interests include: effects of climate change on marine ecosystems, spatial ecology, benthic marine ecology; biological oceanography, invasive species, population dynamics, connectivity, larval ecology, conservation, bio-physical interactions, design and function of marine reserves. Her current research focuses on the effects of sea-level rise on the distribution of coastal ecosystems, such as sea grass, coral reefs, and mangroves. Her study sites include Moreton Bay Southeast Queensland, Lizard Island Great Barrier Reef, and the Solomon Islands. This research was part of the interdisciplinary Australia Sea Level Rise University Project at the UQ Global Change Institute. She has received numerous awards for her work. See her full bio at