Deborah is an East Hampton Town Trustee who manages the waterways, beaches, bottomlands and other public resources for the benefit of the Freeholders and Extremely concerned about marine debris and marine pollution emanating from pesticides, storm water, and wastewater, she feels these pervasive global problems must be addressed locally. Debbie is particularly interested in enhancing shellfish aquaculture for commercial and recreational harvest as well as for pollution mitigation. She also believes that seaweeds should be widely restored for habitat enhancement and pollution control. Debbie knows how to integrate environmental, economic, and social values in decision-making and environmental protection. She is a proactive force in protecting our environment while performing the various duties delegated to her as a sitting East Hampton Town Trustee, Commonality of the Town of East Hampton. She earned her Master’s degree in Marine Conservation and Policy from Stony Brook University. A PADI rescue diver, she is a rescue and transport volunteer for the Wildlife Rescue Center of the Hamptons. She has recently been awarded a ten-acre lease in Gardiners Bay, where she plans to grow shellfish for commercial and environmental purposes.