Briana first fell in love with the ocean at the age of 4. Since then, she has worked her way up to becoming a Jr. Master Scuba Diver, which she achieved at the age of 13. Briana has many specialties, one of which is Underwater Digital Photography, and some of her images have been featured in Northeast Dive News. She hopes to promote ocean conservation through her images. Briana likes shark-dives and is a member of Shark Savers, Fin Free, Long Island Diving Association, The Scuba Sports Club, Beneath the Sea, and REEF. To date, she has dived with blues, makos, Caribbean reef sharks, hammerheads and black tip sharks. Her dream is to someday dive with tigers, bulls, and great whites. She loves to teach her friends about shark conservation and about saving the sharks, and make presentations to local and regional dive organizations as well.