Nancy McGee, an intrepid explorer and filmmaker, leads a life of thrilling adventures and remarkable achievements. Known as Ms. Exosuit and the Pachyderm Princess, she made history as the first female Exosuit pilot and garnered the prestigious Explorers Club Fellowship for her groundbreaking expeditions in uncharted territories. Her documentaries, centered on conservation and education, have left a lasting impact, while her roles as a prominent speaker and emcee further amplify her influence. Parallel to her stellar diving career, Nancy made substantial contributions to public education in a 34-year career, touching the lives of countless children. She launched a district-wide Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) initiative in the Dallas area, creating a culture of inquiry-based, hands-on learning. Nancy then played a pivotal role in creating the Henry B. Tippie National Aviation Education Center, with a focus on creating a pipeline of students interested in aerospace careers. Today, she continues to dive, explore and advocate for hands-on STEM learning, working as a STEM consultant for schools, academies, and non-profit groups.